20 October 2006

home alone

what do you do when you have rmb1280 (or usd162 = sgd256 = eur129) of credit on your spa card and it expires in a day?

stooopid options I was given at dragonfly:
(a) top up another rmb3,000 so you don't use your unused credit... doh!
(b) book a VIP room so you can blow it all on the private "Love Nest" charge

alternative options when you don't want to be ripped off
(c) bring 5 friends along for your fave treat of foot massage followed full body chinese massage, but seriously.. how can one orchestrate this at short-notice
(d) bring one friend (anita who is here from chicago on biz) along for a footsie followed by aroma-therapy by 2 masseuse at the same time... now how efficient is that!

hours later after a sip of wine with martha & jason at a blah blah wine place.. and unglam coke & water at glam bar with fritz... home alone.. at last!

meeeeow! how's dragon eye in down-gate??


Bob7k said...

mmmm, sounds neat, i think, you get a massage? if so, then yea, sounds good, i wish i could get a massage, after that incident with the massaging thing, you plug it in and it shakes and heats up, you put it on your back, ohh it felt soo good, untill i put it on my knee, scared me and BAM, rootcanal

Gossipgerl said...

ha, whichever it is personal pampering is good :p